
Dota2英雄传第二期 影魔

Dota2英雄传第二期 影魔

第一期在学生中的英雄反响还不错 ,我就继续写了一篇关于影魔的传第英雄传,在序言部分加上了MOBA游戏的期影基本操作规则 ,字数基本也符合雅思口语考试part2素材的英雄要求,有兴趣的传第同学可以借鉴一下,全部是期影自己写的,我也从来没在考试里用过,英雄可能是传第碰不到让我去介绍Dota2的时候吧,哈哈哈 !期影

Dota2 Hero Biography


1. Foreword:

Dota2 is 英雄undoubtedly a successful computer game and it is certain that it will be written and memorized as one of the pioneers on the monument of electronic sport history along with League of Legends, Starcraft2, Diablo3, Overwatch and other fantastic video games. However, unlike other competitive sports, they are all based on a series of hardware equipment---keyboard and mouse, which allow the players to accomplish complex controls through simple clicking and tapping.

Here is how Dota2 heroes are manipulated on computers. First of all, the left mouse is used to select your units(heroes, their illusions, summoned creatures and everything whose status you’d like to check), which is quite easy to comprehend. Secondly, we normally click right mouse to make your hero move to everywhere you want. Of course, once your clicking targets at a rival unit, your hero will automatically walk to it and start to attack. Plus, the attacking order can be made by tapping the A on the keyboard, and especially for Dota2, you can attack your own creeps in order to reduce the gold and experience your rivals will get, which is called “deny”. Finally, the other keys on the board serve different functions, most of which are the shortcuts for heroes’ skills. Obviously, it’s far more convenient and efficient to use them to control your hero on a battle field instead of complicatedly clicking your mouse. For example, the C key is set to be the commanding key for Shadow Fiend, the hero I’ll introduce you today, to cast out a ranged shadow raze.

Hero Biography n. 英雄传

Episode n. 章

Foreword n. 序言

Undoubtedly adv. 无疑地

Memorize v. 铭记

Monument n. 纪念碑

Electronic adj. 电子的

League of Legends 英雄联盟

Starcraft2 星际争霸2

Diablo3 暗黑破坏神3

Overwatch 守望先锋

Fantastic adj. 神奇的

Competitive adj. 竞技的

A series of 一系列的

Hardware n. 硬件

Complex adj. 复杂的

Click v. 点击(鼠标)

Tap n. 敲击(键盘)

Manipulate v. 操控

Unit n. 单位

Illusion n. 幻象

Summoned creature 召唤物

Status n. 状态

Comprehend v. 理解

Target v. 把...作为目标

Rival n. 敌方

Automatically adv. 自动地

Attack v. 攻击

Order n. 指令

Reduce v. 减少

Creep n. 小兵

Deny n. 反补

Obviously adv. 显然地

Efficient adj. 有效率的

Battle field 战场

Complicatedly adv. 复杂地

Commanding adj. 控制的

Shadow Fiend 影魔

Ranged adj. 远程的

Shadow Raze 毁灭阴影


2. 英雄传---影魔(Shadow Fiend)奈文摩尔

影魔在Dota1中的原型(prototype)是魔兽争霸里的火焰巨魔(Lord of Fire),其为酒馆(tavern)中的传第一位中立英雄(neutral hero),在dota1的期影6.64版本(version)中被加入游戏 。(这里笔者并不太确定 ,英雄因为找不到资料了...)并不像第一期的传第祈求者,影魔虽然是期影一位爆发(instant damage)十足的英雄 ,但自身没有任何控制(control)和逃生(escape)的技能,也被誉为(be known as)dota2中最容易杀人同时也是最容易被杀的英雄(the easiest hero to kill and be killed)。

影魔有四个纯粹(purely)为了输出所设计(be designed to)的技能,但是在技能面板(panel)上 ,有六个技能显示出来(there show),其最有代表性(representative)的技能毁灭阴影(shadow raze)即是理由。毁灭阴影在释放(cast)时会根据(according)玩家是按下(press)zxc三个快捷键中的哪一个来决定(determine)技能的伤害范围(damage range),各10秒CD的三个毁灭阴影可以造成恐怖的(terrific)伤害总量(amount),此技能的施放正确(properly)与否也是检验(judge)一个合格影魔玩家的基本要素(element);第二个技能支配死灵(necromastery)能保证影魔在中路(mid-lane)打出滚雪球的效果(have advantages like a snow ball),每杀死一个单位,无论是敌方友方 ,小兵英雄还是防御塔(defense tower) ,都会为其增加两点攻击力(base damage);三技能魔王降临(the presence of the dark lord)也是影魔无形中(virtually)给敌方英雄的震慑(astoundment),敌方英雄物理护甲(physical armor)的减少(reduction)也就意味着他们离死亡更进一步(one step closer to death)了;影魔最能让对手(enemy)闻风丧胆慌不择路(tremble and escape with fear)的时刻(moment)莫过于(be no more than)脱离(break out of)影刃的隐身状态(shadow blade’s invisibility)摇出的终极技能(the ultimate)魂之挽歌(requiem of souls)了,作为全Dota2中aoe(area of effect)伤害最高的技能 ,一次出乎意料的(unexpected)施放一定能扭转战局(turn the table)。

在使用影魔时,有一个新手玩家(fresh player)一定要注意(pay attention)的操作细节(detail) ,即取消(cancel)攻击和施法的前后摇(before and after action)  ,让影魔的输出更加迅速。具体的方法并不能在很短的篇幅中完全讲解清楚(explain clearly) ,但是记住这一点(mark this) ,影魔攻击和施法时需要(require)有接近半秒钟的抬手动作(hand-lifting),在Dota2中 ,简化的(simplified)操作难度(manipulation)可以用快速连续点击(serial tapping)的方法来避开(avoid)前后摇,当然前提是保证影魔做出所有的动作后进行(proceed)前面所说的操作(actions above)。

各位想要尝试Dota2的玩家们 ,影魔可不是一个很容易掌握(master)的英雄哟,笔者也是在玩Dota1一年后才开始使用影魔,而且其间(meantime)也是在队友的嘲讽(taunt)中过来的,不过嘛 ,看看一个没有下半身(the lower body)的英雄在你面前像跳舞一样走来走去(wander around)还是很有意思的......

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